Full text of the section of the meaningful use final rule from the CFR

Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
42 CFR Parts 412, 413, 422, and 495
NPRM EP/Eligible Hospital Objective: “Provide access to patient-specific education resources upon request.”
In the proposed rule, we discussed this objective, but did not propose it. We stated that there was a paucity of knowledge resources that are integrated with EHR, and that also are widely available. We also noted that the ability to provide education resources in multiple languages CMS-0033-F 182 might be limited. We stated our intent to further explore the objective in subsequent stages of meaningful use.
Comment: We received many comments, including comments from both the HIT Policy Committee and MedPAC, to include this measure in the final rule. These commenters disagreed with our assertion in the proposed rule that “there is currently a paucity of knowledge resources that are integrated within EHRs, that are widely available, and that meet these criteria, particularly in multiple languages.” Specific examples of the availability of knowledge resources integrated with current EHRs were provided. The HIT Policy Committee amended their recommendation in their comments on the proposed rule to:
- EPs and hospitals should report on the percentage of patients for whom they use the EHR to suggest patient-specific education resources.
Other recommended language for the objective includes
- Provide patients educational information that is specific to their health needs as identified by information contained in their EHR technology such as diagnoses and demographic data, and
- The original HIT Policy Committee objective of “Provide access to patient-specific education resources upon request.”
Response: We are convinced by commenters that the availability of education resources linked to EHRs is more widely available than we had indicated in the proposed rule. Therefore, for the final rule we will include this objective for the Stage 1 of meaningful use.
We note that the new recommendation of the HIT Policy Committee is a hybrid of a measure and an objective, whereas in developing the meaningful use criteria we consistently identify both an objective and associated measure. However, we agree with the HIT Policy Committee and others CMS-0033-F 183 that the objective and associated measure should make clear that the EP, eligible hospital or CAH should utilize certified EHR technology in a manner where the technology suggests patient-specific educational resources based on the information stored in the certified EHR technology. Therefore, we are including a revised version of this objective in the final rule for Stage 1 of meaningful use.
We also believe it is necessary to state what level of EP, eligible hospital and CAH discretion is available when deciding whether to provide education resources identified by certified EHR technology to the patient. Therefore, we include the phrase “if appropriate”, which allows the EP or the authorized provider in the eligible hospital or CAH final decision on whether the education resource is useful and relevant to a specific patient.
After consideration of the public comments received, we are including this meaningful use objective for EPs at §495.6(e)(6)(i) and eligible hospitals and CAHs at §495.6(g)(5)(i) of our regulations as “Use certified EHR technology to identify patient-specific education resources and provide those resources to the patient if appropriate”.
NPRM EP/Eligible Hospital Measure: Not applicable
Comment: CMS received a comment requesting an 80 percent threshold of appropriate patients and/or caregivers receiving patient-specific educational materials. In addition, the HIT Policy Committee’s revised objective suggests a patient based percentage.
Response: As with the addition of the recording of advance directives, we are able to relate this measure to one that is based on patients and can be accomplished solely using certified EHR technology. As this objective requires more than just the recording of information in certified EHR technology, we adopt a lower threshold of 10 percent.
CMS-0033-F 184
After consideration of the public comments received, we are including this meaningful use measure for EPs at §495.6(e)(6)(ii) and eligible hospitals at §495.6(g)(5)(ii) of our regulations as “More than 10 percent of all unique patients seen by the EP or admitted to the eligible hospital’s or CAH’s inpatient or emergency department (POS 21 or 23) are provided patient-specific education resources”.
We further specify that in order to meet this objective and measure, an EP, eligible hospital, or CAH must use the capabilities Certified EHR Technology includes as specified and standards at 45 CFR 170.302(m). The ability to calculate the measure is included in certified EHR technology.
To calculate the percentage, CMS and ONC have worked together to define the following for this objective:
* Denominator: Number of unique patients seen by the EP or admitted to the eligible hospital’s or CAH’s inpatient or emergency department (POS 21 or 23) during the EHR reporting period. A unique patient is discussed under the CPOE objective.
* Numerator: Number of patients in the denominator who are provided patient education specific resources
* Threshold: The resulting percentage must be more than 10 percent in order for an EP, eligible hospital, or CAH to meet this measure.
We do not believe that any EP, eligible hospital, or CAH will not have more than 10 percent of their patients eligible to receive patient specific education resources and therefore do not believe an exclusion is necessary for this objective.
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