HIMSS16 Planning

I am extremely pleased to announce that I will once again be a Social Media Ambassador at the HIMSS Annual Conference, which takes place February 29 - March 4 in Las Vegas.
This year, the theme of my posts before, during and after HIMSS16 will be the effects of the maturing of the health IT segment on the start-ups, EHR/EMR vendors, other established IT vendors, and analytics companies of all types that populate the HIMSS exhibit hall.
As you might expect, there will be both good and bad news for health IT companies, depending on one’s perspective. My first post will build on recent trends that were highlighted at the JP Morgan Healthcare Conference in San Francisco. Fortunately, other industry experts have already covered the details of trends and announcements made at the JPM conference & associated events. You can check out Lisa Suennen’s blog post that manages to weave a David Bowie theme into her account of the event:http://venturevalkyrie.com/bowie-and-the-jpm-experience/ and Brian Ahier’s post: http://www.ahier.net/2016/01/the-end-of-meaningful-use-as-we-know-it.html to get a well-rounded view of major developments at JPM from two of the industry’s most knowledgable insiders and best writers!
Speaking of the industry’s best, here is the official announcement of the HIMSS16 Social Media Ambassadors, a group that I’m very proud to call colleagues and friends:
I’ll be posting more information about the HIMSS16 conference in the run-up to the event, so please check back here or contact me at: janice@healthcontentadvisors.com if you want to schedule a meeting at HIMSS16.
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